Prayer Shawl Ministry: 

We need your help.

Can you knit?

Can you crochet?

Do you have spare time during the day or evening?

Will you join the wonderful group of shawl makers who make these Prayer Shawls?

All craft workers work in the comfort of their own homes.

We are now in our second year and over 80 people in our community have been gifted, in their time of deep need, a Prayer Shawl from our parish.

Our recent batch of Prayer Shawls were blessed in December and we have been busy with requests for gifting.  We have 6 blessed Prayer Shawls left so we really need more craft workers to join us.

You need 400g double knit wool and knitting needles.  The pattern is a very simple one and is available from Yvonne in the Parish Office.  Please come and join us.

It is important for the shawl maker to prepare themselves each time they take up their work.  We give thanks to God for the gift of our hands and ask him to guide us while we work.  We light a candle which symbolises the light of Christ and leave it burning as we work.

We say the following Prayer Shawl blessing prayer and then begin.

I light this candle as a reminder of your presence Lord Jesus.

Thank you for the gift of my hands.

Bless the work that I now begin.

Hold me close and ground me.

Cast all negative thoughts and feelings away.

Send positive energy and your love through my hands into each stitch of the Prayer Shawl.

May the person who receives this Prayer Shawl be comforted, find peace and strength and be wrapped in your love forever.


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